Have you had a good meal today?

Bern's Prose.

Have you had a good meal today?


In many speeches there will come a day when many people will sing Hooray or words that mean hooray. And what do you know I will be with them shouting and having my say. I will be precise and tell all the truth. War and warring are uncouth and now at an end.


At last people will see that war is not for you or me. Celebrations will come in the night bringing many people a great delight and my work on Earth will have been done time now for me to have some fun. I will not join in with the crowds of over a million.  I would be out of place being one of the silly ones. I will rush home to my bed now no more war, who will take care of the dead? No military music no Parades at the different cenotaphs and no more wreaths to be laid on the graves of the unknown Soldiers all over this world that we, yes we the human race have done our best to blow it too smithereens. Take a leaf from the history of the animals oh yes I grant you Animals do kill but not because they are bands of bloodthirsty lunatics, Animals kill to survive it is a matter of kill or be killed. The difference between the Human and the so called human race is that we the humans have learned to produce our food and yes we are still deep at heart Barbarians we kill year after year Cows, Sheep, Goats, Donkeys, horses and cats and dogs in some Asiatic Countries. No we are certainly not civilized. The sad thing is that so many animals are bred solely for the purpose of landing on some human ‘s table to wander down to an ever-hungry belly. How would you, plead in a court of law. Guilty or not guilty? Of the charge of killing animals I know you yourself did not pole axe that Bull or young Ox. No you yourself did not do the dirty work but it was done or should I say killed in your name, that is, in your and many others names. Did you stop to think or are you under the thumb of your Husband, yes the man that brings home the money in most houses. Could he not go without fresh meat? Could he not live on fresh growing fruits and vegetables every year. It would not hurt anyone to have to live on fresh natural fruits and berries grains of different corns. Of course he or she could there is no need to over stuff this our world with animals that are doomed to die in some slaughter house. Yes a slaughterhouse is very much akin to a battlefield. The difference is the choice of weapons. Have I turned your stomach over with my ranting and ravings on behalf of the animals? If I have then hoorah another person that might, I say might, perhaps become a friend of animals not just those grazing in a Farmers field but also those animals and birds that we call wild all have the right to live in peace in this world, the same as we Humans not lying dead on a field of battle. Think about it then perhaps I too may celebrate peace in this war ridden world Bern

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