A Few Why's men and Women.

Bern's Prose.
  • A Few Why’s Men and Women.
  • No there is no mistake in the title of this piece of prose. Some people are born that are from childhood up to and beyond their retirement asking why. Have you ever thought about so many questions and very few answers. Yes you, you think that you have had a good education and have learned much at school under the influence of this or that teacher. Are you really as knowledgeable as you think?
  • Down the ages there have been many, both men and women that have asked why. Some of the answers came to them by accident Gravity, Isaac Newton sitting beneath an apple tree saw an apple fall from the tree and realised that this was no accident. He experimented around and we now know that gravity exists. It is a wonder that at the speed the earth travels around the sun that we do not all fly off into space. We, the animals in fact all that are on this earth are bound by gravity.
  • If Isaac Newton were not sitting under that apple tree on that day would the fact that no one knew about gravity have affected this modern world of today? I think it would. There would be no rocketing up into space. Sky Scrapers I say would have been impossible no one would have had the imagination that it takes to build such objects without the knowledge of gravityWhat would mankind have been without one of our ancestors on seeing a fire started by lightning and saving that knowledge another accident? Perhaps but this knowledge was really the start of civilisation. Man learned how to use certain metals, how to use those metal objects for hunting and later for ploughing. Why’s men and women learnt how to build their own housing. No need any more to hunt and drive wild animals out of caves so that humans had a place that cold be warmed in the cold winter months. From mud huts to modern brick and stone buildings. History has many such old palaces and buildings. In Greece there are temples, in Rome the theatre that held such barbaric customs of men and women fighting with wild animals and this for purposes of entertainment.
  • One must not forget the works of why’s people in India and the Far East Strangely enough so much time was spent in trying to appease Gods that no man or woman had ever seen. Temples built all over this world. Money spent on such ridiculous Churches in honour of some god or other when thousand were dying of hunger. What about Africa a huge continent from all over the world money has been for centuries pouring into this underfed continent. That has so much to offer. Gold, Diamonds, Coffee and only the greedy firms that have taken advantage of the African peoples over the last few centuries know what is really in this poor but very rich continent. No I have not forgotten the oil and other riches taken by other countries leaving those countries when the going got rough and large sums of money were spent that the so called Mother Countries could no longer afford, did a few of the African peoples get the chance to not only rule their own counties but for a few to become Dictators and rob their own peoples. Names are many all known to the world. Where were the why’s ones when all of this took place. Was the flow of why’s ones stopped or did parts of humanity die off without leaving any more why’s for this world. If YOU have any answers please let me know. I hate to think that I will leave this world without some answers and perhaps you have some of the answers to my boring questions. Think about it please. Your scribbler Bern.


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Why? One off the best

Why? One off the best questions ever invented.