The Pen

The Pen.


Two Magpies have been flying over Fairyland for the last two weeks. Word has gotten around that nothing is to be left on dressing tables, that is nothing that glitters. No jewellery, nothing bright and silvery anything that would catch the eye of a Magpie. Magpies take anything that is shiny the fairies have been warned to close their bedroom windows and to lock all brooches, rings and any other thing that glitters away. It is better to be on the safe side when these thieving birds are flying around. One day in the clearing by the old oak tree I saw one of these thieving birds with something in its beak. I loudly clapped my hands. The noise the clap made startled the Magpie and it dropped whatever it had held in its beak. I quickly ran to the spot and saw much to my surprise a fountain pen.


The pen had not suffered any damage as it fell to the ground and my problem now was to find out to whom the pen belonged. I printed out some notices on my computer and printer and sent copies all over Fairyland. No one missed the pen and I forgot about it until one day I went to write a letter to a friend that lived in Wales. Taking some sheets of paper and an envelope. I looked for a pen. The pen that the Magpie had dropped came into my mind and I took the pen and looked it over carefully. The Fountain Pen was from a famous pen maker and was of gold. It must have been very expensive to buy and I wondered even more about where the Magpie had stolen the pen.


I settled down to write my letter. The pen had a life of its own word after word appeared on the paper. It was not I myself that was writing this letter although each thought that ran through my mind the pen wrote. I have never before written such a letter in all my life. I finished the letter and went to lay the pen down when it suddenly all by itself wrote my friends address on the waiting envelope. I read and reread the letter it was my handwriting all right but not my words. The letter was written in a friendly way and the pen or I had written down all of the news. Sealing the envelope I stuck two postage stamps onto the envelope and placed it on the table next to the door to take with me the following day.


The following day I took the letter and posted it in the letterbox at the end of the road. Afterwards I went into the clearing by the old oak tree. I was thinking about the pen and of whoever had lost it when the bright blue flash of light warned me that Her Majesty Queen Feeanna had entered the clearing. In her hand her Majesty held a sheet of paper with some printing on it. I recognised the paper it was what I had written on my computer and printed out on my printer telling of my finding the Fountain Pen. Her Majesty showed me the paper and I told her Majesty that the pen was safe in my house and I would return it to her as soon as I could return home and come back with the pen.


“Mr. Shaw have you used the pen?” I had to admit that I had used the pen and the pen or I had written one of the best letters I had ever seen or read. Her Majesty smiled and told me that the pen had been given to her on the occasion of opening the Fairy University it was no ordinary pen but read the mind of whoever used it I hurried home and returned to the clearing with the pen. Her Majesty smiled and thanked me. As for the Magpies they have left the area of Fairyland and have not returned. Bern

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