The Shaw Family Book.

Bern's Prose.


The Shaw Family Book.






  • Not many people know about the Shaw Family Book. Many secrets are told about the book that was first written in the thirteen year hundred. It had been written in by the head of the family and passed down through the generations until now.
  • The book it is now a printed book the Shaw’s have always used each modern invention as it became available down through the year hundreds. I am the last of the family and I have decided to put a stop to this genealogy which I have no time for.
  • The generations that have gone on before me do not interest me. I have decided to burn the book an easy thing to say but difficult to do the book itself is locked in a metal fireproof box that can only be opened by using two keys. The keys will be handed to me on my eighty- fifth birthday. As soon as the keys come into my possession I will destroy the book and what I think is a stupid family tradition will come to a timely end.
  • The keys have arrived. A messenger from a well-known firm of lawyers delivered both keys to my house. The box itself was not to be opened by using the keys; I had to squirt in plenty of MS02 oil that kills off rust. I finally got the box open. I had a fire burning in my old kitchen range, I was ready to burn the evidence of hundreds of years.
  • Taking the book with its covers from the box I saw that the covers were of ivory, Ivory would not burn in my fireplace and I wanted to get rid of all evidence of the Shaw Family book.
  • The book lying on he table suddenly opened and ghosts of my family were spilling out of the book filling my house. The comments that I had to hear from the ghosts were out of this world. The kindest was that I must be mad to burn the Shaw Family evidence that proves that our family goes back to the thirteen hundreds. It was dawn when the last ghost slipped out of the book. There were no more pages left to burn just the ivory covers.
  • Then the first Shaw to start the genealogy book spoke to me. You are a fool to think that you can destroy so many Shaw’s. Why we go right through history we have been very rich and we have been very poor, we have had murders in the family and very religious and like every family in the world we are in one way or another related. And you want to burn us out of existence. You poor fool watch as the Shaw family unites again. Then ghost after ghost flew back to the open ivory covers. Page after page filled the covers until the books covers closed and I using all my strength could not open the covers. Suddenly the book was in the metal box fireproof box and the keys turned as if by a ghost hand. Suddenly both keys and box vanished from my kitchen table. I went all over the house looking to see if perhaps one Shaw had, had enough of being locked in a stupid book. I found no one and I sighed. What a shame that not one of my ancestors was game enough to live a new life outside a stuffy book locked in a metal fireproof box. Was I the last Shaw to show enough courage to want to destroy the Shaw’s of hundreds of years?
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Long live --- 21 times Laughing



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Many thanks. My Indian Mate. Bern and Missis.