Unusual Goings On In Fairyland.
Six Hedgehogs with their babies came waddling into the clearance by the old oak tree. The hedgehogs were followed by two families of field mice then came two families of foxes with their cubs. Mother deer with their young followed by stoats, weasels even two old badgers waddled into the clearing. I have never seen so many wild animals here in the clearing and wondered what had caused them to turn up in such large numbers.
Hardly had the wild animals made themselves comfortable when the skies seemed to blacken as families of birds flew in. Crows, Sparrows Wrens and Jackdaws that I myself had never seen in this part of Fairyland and a few other bird families. There was hardly any noise I must say that all were well behaved, no bickering, in fact it was to all intents and purposes just a meeting of all of the wild life.
I thought that no more were going to turn up when a horde of Toads all carrying an instrument of some kind marched in step playing an odd sounding Military march. The music was loud but was a part of the background.
Suddenly a bright flash a small whiff of smoke and Her Majesty Queen Feeanna appeared. Her Majesty was dressed ina lovely gown embroidered with spring flowers and looked wonderful. Standing on a very large toadstool that sprung out of the ground under her feet her Majesty smiled and in her soft but carrying voice asked why so many of the birds and animal were gathered here in the clearing.
An elderly crow flapped its wings and in its harsh crows voice it told her Majesty that owing to lack of rain very little water was to be had for drinking purposes. He carried on in his harsh crow’s voice. The fairies have it easy every morning they collect the dew and can wash and drink but all of those that have to rely on the stream and the puddles left after the rain many are having to start the day with thirst in their dried up mouths. The morning Chorus is more difficult to sing when one is suffering from thirst. As for the animals they have difficulty when the stream is so shallow that not even the tiny minnow fish have enough water.
Her Majesty on hearing about the lack of fresh water was very concerned. Waving her magic wand she sent out a message to Mother Nature.
Mother Nature appeared riding on a thunderstorm. Huge droplets of water heralded her coming. All faces were now turned to face the heavens. Mouths opened wide raindrops were flushed down so many thirsty throats it was a pleasure to watch.
In a few word Her Majesty explained to Mother Nature the problems that both the birds and the wild animals were having with the lack of water. Mother Nature on hearing of the troubles here in Fairyland ordered the weather Leprechauns to cause it to rain every night here in Fairyland. Slowly after thanking Her Majesty and Mother Nature the clearing slowly emptied. Soon one could just hear the toad with their instruments music fading away into the distance. I walked to the old oak tree and made myself comfortable on the roots that had formed to fit my body over the years. The Wise Old Owl hopped down from her favourite perch and we both spoke for a while of Mother Nature’s method of causing it rain every night here in Fairyland. The Wise Old Owl was not very happy about it raining every night for after all it was at night time that she went hunting for the field mice for herself and her young owlets. Pleased and happy that I had not missed the appearance of Her Majesty and also of Mother Nature, I left her and made my way home.
My pen good Wizard is old
My pen good Wizard is old
No match for Berns fairygold
Children of India do not read
Televisions and cellphones
are all they happily need
Bishus fairies they'll not heed
Thank you for the suggestion
I am not your India incarnation
It takes much wisdom and urge
To write Fairy Tales
Of huge Blue mosquitoes
With silvery spined tails
Somewhat like crocodiles
With wings flying in the air
One such mosquito flew into
My PC room window
It is talking to me in a nice tone
My friend Bishu I feel much alone
Let's make a twosome and fly
Me on your back upto the sky
I sat on its back and flew up high
Through the clouds over the seven seas
To the land of the infernal mosquitoes
Their samrat was sitting on a banyan tree
Why are you up there and not a throne
It's because I'm a commoner- a clone
Why do you pests live so far away
From the land you love India is the name
Your friends are there who donate food
Its on their blood you raise your brood
Big King has made us so no personal grudge
Have a glass of sweet nectar a bite of sudge
Nectar I know but What is sudge
Oh its a poison which we make from leaves
Eat it..you wont die but feel better
When tiny mosquitoes bite you
You wont feel the itch...
My dear mate Bern I wonder if it was a dream
Truth is deadly which oft makes me scream
If you permit me I'll post this on my page of postpoems~ Have a nice day from a poisoned penner~
For My mate bishu the Guru.
Mate I am delighted with this, in return I have posted also in PostPoems something that came into my head. You are my Guru visited by Her Majesty Queen Feeanna. She has left you so I have dreamt a magic pen and a book of fresh paper that will always have empty sheets coming to replace any that you have used. The idea you will have to find in your more than capabale brain box. Smiling away to myself in my own little corner and no I am not alone a dozen or more Fairies are with me. No more work possible today. Best wishes to you and yours.From Bern