Late Night Visitor.

Bern's Prose.


Late Night Visitor.




The sound of a fanfare of trumpets made me aware that I was not alone. My conscious mind told me that I had taken my sleeping tablets and that I was asleep in my bed. The pictures in my head told me that I was being treated like some important person in a very high position. I felt the fight that was going on between the sleeping drugs and my brain. The brain took command. A few orders and the visitor was shown in to my luxurious apartment. I rose and greeted my guest. A man about the thirties greeted me with what I in my ordinary human life would immediately classify as Flannel. My Brain told me to be careful this is no ordinary dream visitor.




His first words, that is his first words that were not trying to soft soap me; gave him away it was my oldest dream companion. Old Nick or Satan. Now my brain was fully alert. I braced myself innerly and waited for what I knew was going to be some form of harassment. I have heard that you have promised the person you call Old Nick a fight for you to take over Hell. You know of course that he has taken precautions. You are a looser; you cannot possibly win against such a powerful opponent. Why do you not just accept that you are just one of milliards of lost souls, all will be incarcerated in Hell for the whole of eternity.




I now laughed out loud, why it is my old companion or should I say my old dream companion Beelzebub? Are you now beginning to have doubts about your self and your power to fight me for Hell, me a low human being that has forfeited his place in Heaven by listening to you? What if I was sent by him the lord of Heaven to be in a position to chase you out of hell. He has patience he has proved this over aeons of time it would be the easiest thing in the world for him to place me on Earth to listen to your promises and to do those things that one should never do, no not even think about doing. I did some of these forbidden things and am now in a position to go straight to Hell Oh! Yes Old Nick this will be one spectacular fight between us. Remember you yourself trained me and I was a very good pupil; I learned many things while I was under your influence. Think back, did I learn too many of your wily ways and I now a suitable candidate to take Hell away from you and turn it back into what it once was a part of Heaven.



It will not be long Nick, I hope that you will be a suitable fighter, one that give me a chance to use the full capacity of my mental powers. At least you cannot say that I have not warned you. You Nick have no friends in your Hell have you ever given it a thought that if one starts to rebel against you. The whole of Hells population will rise up against you. I will not be alone and you Nick will not have one friend to help you. You have made and broken too many promises. You who deliberately increased the heat and dropped the water rations again and again No Nick you will have no one to help or be on your side whereas all will help me to turn Hell back into what it was, only this time all will have their memories of Hell and now the privileges of Heaven. Yes Nick I am looking forward to our fight. Oh I know that you will use every dirty trick in the book I promise you that in my long earth life I too have learned many such tricks and am looking forward to our real meeting on your own ground. My sleeping tablets took over at this point and Old Nick was gone entirely from my brain. I do not think that he was very happy with his arranged meeting. Another plus on my side I wonder if he knows what effects drugs could have on him if I play my cards right it could be the way to beat him at his own game. We will see. That is all from your scribbler Bern. Hope you read to the end after all even you might be one of my fighters when I arrive in Hell. Only joking Bern.

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Astromate !!!!!!!!!!

I'll read your writes till the rain waters my grave... I'd love some flowering plants growing all around my final resting place..... Ever your Virtual Indomate 

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