Rainbow’s End.
I sat mesmerised by her voice, so sweet, so clear. The words she sang penetrated deep into my brain. Rainbows End came through to my willing ear. Leaning deeper into my easy chair I dropped into a light sleep. Suddenly I was walking on the edge of the rainbow, slowly placing one foot before the other I bathed in the glorious colours. Slowly but surely I wandered down the curving bow of the rainbow.
Coming to the end of the rainbow I thought that there was no going further. My legs took no notice of my commands sent to them by my brain for they went deeper and deeper taking way below the daylight. I told myself do not panic as long as you can hear that lovely voice you are in no danger.
Then deep under the rainbow I found myself in a large cave. The cave was not empty for all over the floor of the cave was to be seen pots of colours. Under the pots were fires not like ordinary fires one sees with wooden logs burning away giving off heat. What heat was this that caused the pots to boil but was not even warm?
Who looked after this colouring cave for each colour took a different path. Now I knew where the rainbow got its colours under each rainbow there is a cave with boiling pans that fed the colours up into the rainbow. The mystery is who was responsible for each of these caves. Who sends these fantastic rainbows that give so much pleasure to all that live upon this planet that we call Earth?
Whether it was the colours or the fires that that kept the colours boiling, I do not know but I suddenly fell into a deep sleep. In my sleep some thing or someone picked me up and carried me to somewhere else then I felt a wonderfully soft bed. The music was still to be heard but now it was softer Rainbows End would I knew
Stay with me till the end of my days. How long I slept I have no idea the smell of fresh coffee awoke me a voice softly called wake up sleepy head it is time for you to go back to your own kind. This is not your home although I do so love having visitors. I opened my eyes the prettiest young lady was standing by the bed holding a cup of steaming coffee. I greeted and took the coffee from her dainty little hand and sipped the coffee. This was no ordinary coffee. The pretty one began to speak again. You have found he secret way into Fairyland. We never thought that a human would get the idea to walk down a rainbow. Please do not tell any other human about this secret entrance we would hate to have to find another entrance to fairyland. I made my promise and now have a really guilty conscience because although I am not speaking I am writing about the secret entrance. I hope that no one ever gets a chance to walk down such a rainbow. I would hate that pretty young fairy to know that it was I that gave the secret away even though I made my promise. Your scribbler Bern.
Stay with me till the end of my days
Stay with me till the end of my days