Overnight Troubles.
I went for my morning stroll my feet followed my usual path through the woods on to the clearance where the old oak tree stands. I suddenly felt the squishy squashy wetness as my shoes waded through water. Water there is no water here by the old oak. I stopped and looked all around me. No doubt about it a huge pool of water in the clearance. Where did all of this water come from.
The wise old Owl flew down and landed on my shoulder. This is the doing of Muldegan. He was here right through the night. His chanting from a large black book kept all of the animals and birds awake all night. A form of rain came down from the sky, fountains of water sprang out of the ground His laughter at seeing so much water was that of a madman. Can you do anything about all of this water. The Deer with her young will have to move away she needs fresh green grass to feed her self and her young. There is not enough fresh green grass in the woods as you know. On the other side a stream would be good flowing through the clearing but not this pond.
I thought about what the wise old owl had said. A stream flowing through the clearing would be wonderful. A Robin flew to me and landed on my other shoulder. “Shall I fly to Her Majesty Queen Feeanna and ask her to come to see what has happened? I was very pleased that the Robin offered to fly to her Majesty. If anyone had an answer to this awful water trouble then it would be Her Majesty. Off flew the Robin and suddenly a bright blue flash a whiff of smoke and her Majesty dressed in a gown of spun gold embroidered with small spring flowers. I asked the Wise old Owl to tell Her Majesty what had happened during the night. On hearing what the Owl had to say her Majesty ook from her gown her magic wand. One wave of the wand and one heard the rushing of water and before our eyes a stream of fresh clear water drained away all of the water that Muldegan had taken such great pains to produce. It did not take long and the news of a stream running through the clearing by the old oak brought all of the wild animals the birds and to my great delight hundreds of pretty Butterflies. All were delighted we now had our own stream running through Fairyland. Muldegan will always be known for his nasty ways and his wanting to spoil things for everyone but that he was the one that gave Fairyland its own stream of fresh clear water. Not many were really nasty to him. As for me I enjoy the fresh water when I am thirsty. Muldegan does not come this way any more I think he is afraid that Her Majesty will punish him for his stupidity.
Austromate. I just tried to make it easy for me to rea
Overnight Troubles.
I went for my morning stroll my feet followed my usual path through the woods on to the clearance where the old oak tree stands. I
suddenly felt the squishy squashy wetness as my shoes waded through water. Water there is no water here by the old oak. I stopped and
looked all around me. No doubt about it a huge pool of water in the clearance. Where did all of this water come from.
The wise old Owl flew down and landed on my shoulder. This is the doing of Muldegan. He was here right through the night. His
chanting from a large black book kept all of the animals and birds awake all night. A form of rain came down from the sky, fountains of
water sprang out of the ground His laughter at seeing so much water was that of a madman. Can you do anything about all of this water.
The Deer with her young will have to move away she needs fresh green grass to feed her self and her young. There is not enough fresh
green grass in the woods as you know. On the other side a stream would be good flowing through the clearing but not this pond.
I thought about what the wise old owl had said. A stream flowing through the clearing would be wonderful. A Robin flew to me and
landed on my other shoulder. “Shall I fly to Her Majesty Queen Feeanna and ask her to come to see what has happened? I was very
pleased that the Robin offered to fly to her Majesty. If anyone had an answer to this awful water trouble then it would be Her Majesty.
Off flew the Robin and suddenly a bright blue flash a whiff of smoke and her Majesty dressed in a gown of spun gold embroidered with
small spring flowers. I asked the Wise old Owl to tell Her Majesty what had happened during the night. On hearing what the Owl had to
say her Majesty ook from her gown her magic wand. One wave of the wand and one heard the rushing of water and before our eyes a
stream of fresh clear water drained away all of the water that Muldegan had taken such great pains to produce. It did not take long and
the news of a stream running through the clearing by the old oak brought all of the wild animals the birds and to my great delight
hundreds of pretty Butterflies. All were delighted we now had our own stream running through Fairyland. Muldegan will always be
known for his nasty ways and his wanting to spoil things for everyone but that he was the one that gave Fairyland its own stream of fresh
clear water. Not many were really nasty to him. As for me I enjoy the fresh water when I am thirsty. Muldegan does not come this way
any more I think he is afraid that Her Majesty will punish him for his stupidity.
Thak you my Friend.
Some thing wrong with program happens sometimes