Attack From Behind.

Bern's Prose.

Attack from behind.

We had taken off an hour ago. The take off was secret, that is, no onlookers gaping at the space craft as it lifted majestically into the sky. My last call over the ships tannoy system was all systems green. Reports came through from each deck No casualties the throb of the powerful rockets was like music to my ears. I must introduce myself. Rank? Senior Pilot of the USA space force. My mission, seek and destroy possible Alien forces. Up until now no adverse reports from the crew all is going well.

The screens showing what the rear cameras were seeing the Earth just a large blue ball slowly getting smaller and smaller. What is that coming from the Earth? A huge space ship following is us. Why was I not told of this?

What have the Authorities got in their heads to send this huge war ship after us with its most modern of weapons? Ray cannons, space torpedoes, shells that had the power to destroy a huge city complex. I slowed down if it has been sent to accompany us there was no need for both of us to fly at full speed. Not that it really mattered fuel from the Quarks was plentiful each sun threw out millions of quarks every second of the day. The radio crackled, stop your ship a new member of the crew will come aboard. You will now have the newest most modern of weapons known to man. The new member of your crew is alone responsible for this weapon. Give him all of the help that he might ask for.

Now it was my turn to wonder what this new weapon might be and why would we want such a weapon we are just a small investigation ship looking for new Alien worlds and perhaps space ships so why the weapon.

The new crew member came over in a space bubble. His face was covered with a mask. No one ever saw him without the mask. The crew members did not like him or his weapon. The weapon consisted of a pipe like tube, he told me to fly over a world that was known to be free of all living beings. Dressed in his space suit he arranged his weapon and dropped a small ball into the tube. My orders were to speed away from this planet as fast as the ship would go. A hand was raised and I pushed the space ship away from this ball of rock. All eyes were fixed on to the planet. No one knew what to expect. Then where the planet had been there was just space. No planet, no dust, no stones or rocks it was as if there had been nothing there in the first place. From behind the space ship that had brought the man on board appeared once again. The radio told me to stop and the masked man was to return to his ship.

Sarcastically I asked if he should keep his mask on and did they want their weapon back as I had a really good use for such a weapon. A space bubble docked on my ship and the masked man left. No one wished him good luck or even spoke to him. Myself I was glad to see him go. The voice on the radio warned all of my crew members that, that what had taken place was top secret. Dire threats of punishment were spoken, we had been warned. I saw the ship turn and we watched it retreating as if the devil was after it. I sped away from the area. My guess had been right for behind us an explosion took place. What nation was now in charge on the Earth? Who had the authority to tell that war space ship to kill my crew and myself? What was that small ball that was dropped on that empty planet?

My crew held a meeting, what should we do, go back to Earth no way, No one knew what awaited us if we did go back. All kinds of instruments were trained into space we could never get back without being seen. No sky so dark would or could cover an attempt to land back on earth without being seen.

We settled down on a planet that we found out in space. The language was similar to Russian we landed near a large town and gradually married to women of the planet.

We built weapons based on the weapons of our space ship. The space ship is now part of our secret plans in case the world and its ships ever find this new world that we are on. Our Children are all up to the world’s Universities standards and we are building a generation of Engineers, Doctors, Teachers and many other trades all more or less based on out world being sooner or later at war. Wish us luck, we hope that peace will be part of this world for ever but we are taking precautions as Bern your scribbler has told you in this small part of out history.

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bishu's picture

Good day to you & Respected Martha Madam Hope she's back n bounc

we hope that peace will be part of this world for ever
