Too Old

Poetry by Bern.


One revolver equals six dead.
One rifle equals nine dead.
One machine gun equals many dead.
One mine: children dead or maimed for life.
One shell a home destroyed.
One bomb a whole block wiped out.
One atom bomb a whole city destroyed.
I ask you,” Does this make sense?”
Is mankind really so dense?
One war millions killed in vain.
Does this sound to you insane?
Money spent on perpetual destruction,
Should make all humans kick up ruction.
One large round table for politicians to meet,
Start again with a nice clean sheet.
To proclaim no war in this or any other time,
This is the message of my rhyme.
Discuss all problems great or small,
Getting together to solve them all.
Save this world from total destruction,
Hold peaceful meetings without disruption.
This is my dream: am I too bold
Or just getting silly – maybe I am too old?

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allets's picture

I'm Too Old Too, Bernie


A dream of peace is nice, just not human egoistical nature. We war on everything, each other, our selves. Destruction is a business, wars today are over who gets to sell the most weapons to warring countries in exchange for oil rights. Folks outside the doors of those conference rooms where peace is not profitable, know why. One day, when the air is foul and the ground is trembling from blasts no one expected to ever happen here, the protests will be loud and the power mongers will either listen or be excommunicated via a boot to someplace else. - Just Bein' Lady A in a Venting




bern's picture

Too Old.

Thank you for your great comment. Bern.

bishu's picture

Dear Respected Lady Allets and War Veteran my Mate in Peace

Dear Respected Lady Allets and War Veteran my Mate in Peace. Just read the "War Poems" folder courtsey Respected Mr Bern as well as the sole comment. To hold a gun or trigger to a weapon system is different from holding a pen and writing. Would any warmonger succeed if none agree to hold any weapon ? But again these warmongers take the advantage of poverty and want and pay for the soldier's services.They are motivated to think that they are patriots.But it all boils down to man killing man.Yet, whatever be the present situation,I hope & wish that all world leaders across the globe will realize their folly and change matters for the better. How difficult and unnerving it must have been for Bern to recollect the WW-II battlefields.But then again I eat chicken meat and am forced to see slaughter of a helpless chicken in front of my eyes.Can I become a veggie ?? No!! not now.. but maybe later on .Even plucking a blooming pretty flower from a plant to decorate a vase is crime. God never meant flowers to be plucked. Maybe the path of Lord Buddha should be adopted.I don't know why I wrote such a large worthless comment. Please delete if inappropriate.~Too old to lead any revolution~



bern's picture

My Friend we are in complete

My Friend we are in complete agreement I hate to see cut flowers in Flower shops. In my humble opinion flowers belong in the earth growing wild for all to see and enjoy. I am not a vegetarian but I avoid meats if I can. War is the most abominable thing for mankind to have to contend with. Greetings to you and yours in Kalkutta. From Bern