Spring at last.

Spring is defiantly in the air.

The daffodils and snowdrops burst in to life.

Planted regimentally all around the garden.

Colour explodes around the borders.

The birds have all returned

swifts, blackbirds bluetits,

all types of fine feathered friends

descend once more looking for food.

My next door neighbour(a very attractive women)

always fills her bird table.

Nuts hang in nets

and half coconuts dangle from string.

Adorning her back garden.

Breadcrumbs are scattered about,

all to encourage the local wildlife.

My Father watches from the kitchen window

as our neighbour throws out bacon rind.

"Oh yes" he murmurs

"tits like coconuts".

Author's Notes/Comments: 

sorry to end with a punchline, couldn"t resist. Ho ho.

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