Reality TV, introducing Judas.

By the way the Devil knows your name,

just thought i"d say.

Yes life will never be the same,

and he has watched you from a very young age.

But he is here to help,

money is no object.

Fame is definitely here to stay.

No one will say your gay

a kiss is just a kiss,

your pay is on its way

so don"t be shy

and no way believe the hype,

you aint gonna die!

Just sign here,

the dirty thirty"s

in the bank.

Thats it

just think of your future,




What was your nickname

for Christ?

Oh yeah,

Big Brother.

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The contemporary jargon diverts the reader, on the first read, from realizing, until the very end, that this poem presents a profound understanding of Judas. I applaud your dexterity in deliberately misleading the reader, in the way that Nabokov often did, until the poem is ready to "explode" its meaning like a newborn star.
