Vampires lips

The Vampires Kiss

A hunger so deep,

It consumes your soul.

Driving you onwards

To search for your goal.

Yearning for something,

You just can’t describe.

From this hunger, this thirst,

Nowhere, can you hide.

It invades your thoughts,

Almost drives you insane.

Forever it’s burning,

This unspeakable pain.

Then, a taste, so sweet upon your lips,

Tingles to your fingertips,

A warmth that spreads throughout your being,

Such an indescribable feeling.

For no normal man will ever know,

The thirst that drives a vampires soul,

Or the tenderness and utter bliss,

Of the sweet taste, of a vampire’s kiss..

View belial_lair's Full Portfolio
nightlight1220's picture

that was

that was beautiful!


...and he asked her, "do you write poetry? Because I feel as if I am the ink that flows from your quill."

"No", she replied, "but I have experienced it. "


trix's picture

i like this one. lol, yup yup.

allets's picture

Not Indescribable

I thought you described it very well. Love those vampires! ~~Lady A~~