To face my kings wrath
upon a pedalstool he set me
set such high expectations
held inside a flask of glass
filled with the blackest ooze which is me
this ooze trickles from the bottles rim
transpiring into the clearest and darlingly innocent drops
Drops which golden orbs seep
Mixed within this tainted flask
Fear, Sorrow, Disapointment
upon the face of me and my king
Thick black tar like I stand
wavering the smallest annoyance
dripping and weeping for tomorrows tempest
already wanting to decay upon the earth
cracks from inside dwell like paths
leading to my dismantlement one by one
the cracks that I myself caused
I want to scream
let this pathetic feeling erupt
to expell high into the air
and let this being fall exhauseted
I want to become clear and lucid
exactly like the words that trickle from my lips
can't you hear my glass bottle break
and yet there is silence
a mournful greivance
I start to grow blind and panick
the world fades to gray
I see nothing
No clouds nor a blue sky.
just this shattered flask
lying upon the floor.