Walking on Clouds - Crashing Dreams

I want to leave behind

all the trouble I went through

still stuck on my back.

    See that it's part of yourself

    dropping  is a growth process.

If I could be me

I would be really happy

but there's confusion...

    Start being the confused one

    who wants to reach reality.

I can't see any sense

after decades of fighting

for some doubtful goals.

    All sense is there where you are

    right here - at this very moment.

I'm so tired after all

nothing of my plans worked out

I've totally failed.

    All served to reach where you are:

    the shortcut through illusions.

So then what is life?

Is it just a cloudy dream

longing for sunshine?

    Allowing to be touched - hurt

    observing - learning - walking.

What else can I do?

I feel stuck in a dense mood

impotent to fly...

    Take a deep breath - and let go...

    take a rest -  let it happen.



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