The cricket said to the butterfly;
"Butterfly, I wish I could fly;
Radically high;
Entwining with our sky.
You are so beautiful.
Can I be you?"
The butterfly whispered to the cricket;
"Cricket, you are quite spry;
As I am shy;
I will try to let you fly;
Take my wings.
Though, you must know;
You will die;
Twice as fast as I.
Can I be you?"
The cricket replied with a sigh to the butterfly;
"I can not lie;
Nor will I deny;
I desire not to die;
But if for a moment;
I could be as lovely as you;
I shall comply and say goodbye;
Before my time;
As you imply."
A quizzical guy with a curious glass eye;
Happened to pass by.
He said to the cricket and the butterfly;
"Why can't you be you;
And she be she;
I'll be I;
As things should be.
You are you;
And I am me.
Lucid logic you can't see.
You must be pleased;
With your symphony;
Though, you will perish;
You must cherish;
But if for a moment;
Brilliant wings.
Fascinating, this fellow;
With the capricious toupee;
Went about his way;
To mingle with eccentrics;
Playing croquet.
The cricket said to the butterfly;
"Let's pretend he had naught to say;
Can I be you?"
The butterfly whispered to the cricket;