Doctor Sleep's Long Walk to the Stand for Needful Things

Skipping Stones

You know 

when your brain

connects reading

Stephen King

with a craving 

for food

from the Dairy Queen,

you need

to make 

some changes.

View beavis's Full Portfolio
running_with_rabbits's picture


I love you! I just love you!


also odd you call it the dairy queen, in Canada we just say dairy Queen like its a person or something.... lol

Much Love


Beavis's picture


Back at ya Dear!


(I think it's a Texas thing ;-)

running_with_rabbits's picture

lol or 'a canadian thing' ;)

lol or 'a canadian thing' ;)

Much Love


Daniel-59's picture

Bevis as usual I like it !

Bevis as usual I like it !  
In My feeble atempt at understanding People

Life is made up of changes and I have found

most do not want or like change 
they'er comfortably numb where they'er at 
Even I have found Myself Cussing the Fickle Bitch
at particular moments in My life  

Every story-teller bends the myth to his own purpose. that's why a Hero has a thousand faces

Beavis's picture


Thank you deeply, sir! People are strange...and beautiful, mostly ;-) and the the fickle the fickle bitch. Can't live with her, can't imagine life without her ;-)

running_with_rabbits's picture


I freakin adore you! changes indeed...I feel like we could make a series of these poems, make changes when, find human conection when, take some down time/me time, new hobbies when...we could even make a colab book of em! 

Much Love


Beavis's picture


im lost in a whirlwind here! WTH! ;-)

running_with_rabbits's picture


you changed the title?!? 

Much Love


Beavis's picture


I don't think so...I fiddle with stuff a lot (you know;-), but I haven't had much time lately, and don't think I've done anything to this one.

running_with_rabbits's picture

I don't remember this being

I don't remember this being the title... :/ I need more sleep

Much Love


allets's picture

The Macabre and Cream

Nicely stated - if you start the "Book of Changes" or want to design a new Tarot card, I'm in - :D allets



Beavis's picture


Always appreciated, Lady A!