My Fickle Bitch

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Fickle Bitch


My first thought, "Fuck you,
you Fickle Bitch",
as you flash that coquettish smile,
slinking in with catlike grace,
unfazed by my dismay.
I wait for you, pen in hand,
never asking where you've been
when you leave me desolate, alone;
barren, bare, striped to the mystical poetic bone;
tormented by your absence -
and then you stumble in,
giddy to find me
grateful at your return,
watching as those
spiteful thoughts melt
with your merest smile,
knowing all is forgiven,
without apology.

Title Comments Views Updated Posted
1 It’s Like a Jalapeño Shit 2 380 2019/10/23 5 years ago
2 Insomnia Sprinkles 5 477 2016/05/19 8 years ago
3 alchemy 6 406 2016/06/25 9 years ago
4 One day, I will walk out on the Fickle Bitch 8 499 2014/10/07 10 years ago
5 Brain farts 4 478 2014/10/07 10 years ago
6 Blur 5 398 2014/10/07 10 years ago
7 Writing poetry is so fucked up. 20 623 2014/10/07 11 years ago
8 Writing poetry among the aliens 7 445 2014/10/07 12 years ago
9 Fickle Bitch 31 832 2014/10/07 12 years ago
10 Writer's Block 8 791 2014/10/07 13 years ago