Coloring Feelings

When I start feeling blue

Like I don't know what to do

I always turn to you

You make it better just like I knew

When I start seeing red

Wanting to make the living dead

You somehow get inside my head

Then I'm happy instead

When I start getting yellow

Completly scared and not mellow

You come and help this fellow

And help me break out of my shell

When I go and turn green

All sick and obscene

Your sweet and not mean

And make me come clean

Author's Notes/Comments: 

  Thank you...and you know who you are.

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Alexandra Reeves's picture

I like it. Not really much to say since I haven't seen you in forever.

theother/EB's picture

just an idea... ha ha ha... it sounds funny (don't actualy change it though i'm just kidding)

When I start getting yellow
Completly scared and not mellow
You come and help this fellow
And help me break out of my shell-o

Jillian Camtasia Carver's picture

I like to think it is me: Red, Ruby Red to be complete.. but still. This is a beautiful poem Baby Boy and I love you very much. I am so glad that these poems are forever, though the idea that they are sometimes makes me cringe, you know?

Jillian Camtasia Carver's picture

I do still cringe with some poems, but please tell me: who is supposed to know who they are?