Back On Track

Been awhile since I wrote

Feels like I'm being choked

I got a soar throat

I wanna take medicine but I don't

The medicine made me drunk

I was acting like a punk

It was worse then coughing chunks

I'm serious man it stunk

So I'm sitting in my bed

Going crazy out of my head

Wishing I was dead

Drinking Faygo orange,grape and red

This is so pointless

Don't know why I'm doing this

Probly just to get you pissed

And to get some happiness

Another reason why I'm doing this tonight

Cause Kasi told me to write

But hey it kinda feels right

Like I went from strained to a little less tight

Author's Notes/Comments: 

  I'm back to writing to I can get to my ultimate goal of 100 poems!  Cause thats how I roll!

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ValentineBuchannan's picture

yay your back i was gettin bored i had nothing to read love yah kasi

More Human than Humans

The Other/EB's picture

when i read odd rhyming poems like this all i can think of is Dr. Seusse (i'm a big fan) so this just seems like a warped version of one of his poems, i love it