You Don't Have To Go

You don't wanna move

You don't wanna go

Felling the pain of losing everything you know

You don't see the point

But at the same time you do

Wondering if people care that there gonna lose you

You walk an empty road

You feel the pain flow

Wondering if you should stay or continue to go

You fall of the edge

No more chances to grow

Thinking of ended lives is such a sad pain to show

Author's Notes/Comments: 

  The last line kinda sums it up.  We lose to many people to suicide everyday.

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Alexandra Reeves's picture

O_O You wrote this on my birthday!! :O

You have a birthday poem that you need to comment on BUM!

And comment on the rest of them... HUT TO IT!

Ruby's picture

Someday I fear I might be one of them... and who knows... but still... I like this... it's... it's... nice.. I know "nice" is a lame word but still...

Ruby's picture

I change my thoughts a little bit.. What if we have to go.. what then?

ValentineBuchannan's picture

life can be lost so easily and manny times taken by ones own hand..its really sad..yet we all feel the pain of wanting that end..i hate that fact but i guess ts human natire..i liked the point of the pain ...personally not the best poetry but the idea makes up for that

love kasi *hugs*

More Human than Humans

The Other/EB's picture

This is so true, but i just wish those people would understand it...