Another Wasted Day

I feel so bored

Nothing to do

Just myself

Theres no me and you

Or me and that person

Or that one over there

Nope im pretty much alone

And nobody cares

This poem must be boring

Cuz its about my boredom

In my mind all of my poems are boring

each and everyone

It feels like my brains been sucked dry

My blood feels like its running dry

Sometimes I feel like I should cry

But I hold it back,why?

People say there gonna come over

But they never do

I cant go visit my friends

By the way guys I miss you

Cracking my bones

Trying to waste time

Staring into space

If being bored was illegal I would have commited a crime

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I'm so bored and everyone is to busy for me.  I know the whole world dosn't revolve around me but I mean it should at leat once in my life...maybe

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I like this poem, I can relate.