
Damn your so beautiful

And cause me no pain

We never get into fights

Theres never anyone to blame

I wish you could stop by

I wish you could stay forever

I wish I could hold you high

When you ask if you should leave I reply with "never"

You love me

I can't get you off my mind

Just the thought of losing me

Would drive you to cry

Cuz we are that attached

We need eachother to survive

We feed off eachothers love

Without eachother we would die

Author's Notes/Comments: 

  This is to my soulmate whether I have met her yet or not.

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Alexandra Reeves's picture

Hey, cute but I am still pissed at you and I just won't talk about it.

-Fucked Up Chik-

The Other/EB's picture

I am not sure if there really are soulmates i mean what if there are just people who apper to be made for eachother but at some point end up just like everyone else, but it is a good poem

Alex's picture

Commenting again!! I love this one. Just can't stop reading it!!! Damn, why do you write poems so damn good!!