It dosn't work
It probly never will
So why do I try?
I mean what the hell?
When someone you love
says stop thinking that way
You feel something happen
It feels very strange
You don't want to do it
And you know it would be imposible
Because when your with her
You feel unstopable
You feel so great
Your filled with happiness
But they don't feel the same
So you start to believe your useless
So i'm done for awhile
Until the person maybe changes her mind
Because for the past couple of weeks
I have really considered dying
Maybe someday,maybe i'll have a chance
She'll come back to me right?
I guess i'll try praying
I'll pray each and every night
If she dosn't end up with me
I hope she ends up with somebody nice
Someone who will treat her with respect
Who won't think shes just an object with a price
Not someone whos like "Hey i'm from Grosse Ile
Let me buy you something
How about a necklace,bracelet
Or this ring?"
Well If you ever change your mind
And you want to be my girl
I'll still be waiting
Just come over and enter into Bonez's world
Jill I love you for all the following reasons. You treat me dont treat me like i'm stupid. You've given me so many first times. Without you I would be sitting on my ass watching re-runs and not feeling anything at all. You broke my heart and it hurt but now I know how other people have felt when I talked to them and tryed to make them feel better. No wonder it never worked. And also because of that I can relate to songs more. the list would keep going on and on but that would be too long...nah it wouldn't be but I don't wanna take up all the space here. I love you.
I've never been so sure of anything in my whole entire life. You of all people should know that or at least believe me. I trust that you may but ahhh I dont know.
you sure you even want me anymore?
how are you so sure?