It's Like...

I got this feeling inside

That I'll try to explain

It's like runny bare foot

Outside in the pouring rain

I could go sit down

And think about it for days

It's like a 30 person argument

It could go so many ways

I love this feeling

But sometimes it can hurt

It's as hard as getting a mexican

Or black person to work

I'll never give it up though

This feeling is my life

It's like a war in my head

A never ending strife

It's like I wanna know the extent of the feeling

But it's like I know I won't

It's like everybody else wants it to end

But I know I don't

Do you know what it's like?

Author's Notes/Comments: 

  It's like it's a good poem but it's also like it sucks.  lol.

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theother/EB's picture

"It's as hard as getting a mexican
Or black person to work"

what's up with that? mexicans come into this country to work and black people are no lazier than white people.

Ruby's picture

I so don't get what's going on.. and I think I like it that way..