The medicine they needed was a hundred miles away

But the doctor who had it agreed to send it half-way

All they do is kneel and urgently pray

as Scallion raced towards the meeting place.

Compassionately, he agreed to let the horce race

to save a child's life. The boy's own brother insisted

that he was a fine rider and since he wieghed much less

that a grown man, the horse could run faster with him.

Having an answer for every concern, his folks' listed

he convinced them to let him be the one to go.

Scallion's owner tried not to let the stress

of worrying about his prized horse get to him.

The boy's only chance, he did know

was the medicine Scallion would bring in tow.


A hundred miles away, a pretty young lass

mounted a horse that was also known to be fast.

In her saddle bags, was the medicine she must quickly pass

to the young man she was to meet. She knew not

the boy or his family, but when Doc had brought

the situation to her attention, she quickly offered assistance.

The trek would be cross-country and not be easy

but she knew it was needed for a boy named Jim.

She hurriedly rode the miles, the distance

For this was a matter of life and death.

Her horse, simply named Sneezy,

was like a cup of energy filled to the brim.

A race was Sneezy's favorite activity

for running seemed to make him feel free.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

The Cowboy and The Parson is the story of two men of faith in the American Old West told in a series of poems. THE GREAT HORSE RELAY is Chapter 9 of this story.


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