“There's just one thing,”

he said, when he told the parson

of the gift he'd received,

“I didn't have the heart to tell her

that I do not know how to read.”

“If you're interested in learning,”

responded the humble parson,

“I think I can teach you to read.”

Thus they began to daily meet

and our once illiterate friend

became a proficient reader

in just less than a year.


But the parson did not

just teach him to read, he was also

descipling him in the faith.

The former cowboy was soon became

known for his sincere faith.

Opportunities to help other , he actively sought.

To help someone, there were no lengths he would not go.

His love for God and his fellow man as well as his faith

were continually growing as he read daily

from that well worn Bible he received as a gift.

For God, his heart was set aflame

And Glorifying God was his sole aim.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

The Cowboy and The Parson is the story of two men of faith in the American Old West told in a series of poems. HIS HEART WAS SET AFLAME is Chapter 6 of this story.


You can watch/hear me read ths one at:  https://youtube.com/shorts/JrJobGMRugM

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