Fishing pole in his hand,

his stomach did demand

a fish he had to land.

Sitting on the pond bank,

he forgot not to thank

God for the peace he felt.

His stress was repelled

by the quiet morning

atmosphere enveloping

his very self...his soul.

Suddenly, his very goal

awakened him from his thoughts

as he felt his line jerk

and up his heart did perk

as he realized lunch was at hand.


Later that very week

his heart urged him to speak

to a friend whose face looked bleak.

Sharing the Gospel of Christ

he witnessed a heist

of the miraculous variety,

with a heart filled with gaiety,

as Jesus snatched a soul

out of satan's control.

Up his heart did perk

for he was thankful he did not shirk

God's command to share the gospel.

The Holy Bible in his hand,

his heart did demand

he bow his head and to his savior speak.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Jesus said "Follow Me and I will make you fishers of men."  Just felt inspired by that verse to write this little poem.  You can hear me read this poem at:

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