

God, I come before Thee with Thanksgiving in my heart,

remembering all the ways You have blessed me.

And I am overwhelmed with a sense of......

this feeling, I cannot describe. Oh how can it be?

Eternal One, how is it that You love

forever those of us who so easily fall apart?

Unconditional love, how can it be?

Lord, I come before Thee with thanksgiving in my heart.


Today and everyday may I remember

how all blessing flow truly

and lovingly from Thine own hand.

Never may I, grateful, forget to be.

Kneeling here; just a mere humble man

facing my Holy, Divine, Amazing Creator;

understanding all blessing flow truly

Lovingly from The hand of my Creator.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

This is a poem, a prayer, of thanksgiving of being grateful for all He has done for us.  It's an acrostic poem in that the first letters of each line spell out a word.  In the case of this one, the first letters of each line in eacch stanza spell out two seperate words that are synonymns.  You can watch/hear me read it at:

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