Beautiful One

The sun shines down so bright

My eyes are blinded by the light

The wind blows softly upon my face

When I look at you my dear

I am showered with grace

The boat floats gently down the river

I could stay in this moment with you forever

The sun soon starts to set

The shadows of the buildings

Hide the light just a little bit

Soon the sun is fully gone

But the boat still floats on

The only light that can be seen

Comes from the candles on the edge of the stream

I take a deep breath

And stare at the sky

I push back the hair

From in front of your eyes

There is nothing better than this

I now know what beauty is

Author's Notes/Comments: 

This poem is dedicated to someone special I recently fell for. Lape, meeting u was very divine.

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angelface4299620's picture

Reminds me much of "Moonlight" I appreciate poetry like this.
I think you have some talent here :)