Storm On The Rocks


I watch the storm peel the layers

from your soul hoping you’ll take cover

from the damaging forces that could

eventually take your life.


I’ve try to shelter you from the tempest gale

but I end up standing there with my umbrella

turned inside out while shards of broken

heart cut deep into my emotions.


I’ve objected, I’ve protested; my

cries getting lost in the howling wind.

I ‘m asking you to come in from the storm

before I have to board the windows for good.

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allets's picture

Nice Write

Where did you go? Encore - slc




SSmoothie's picture

Brilliantly profound it really

Brilliantly profound it really shows the struggle and the frustrations of keeping something safe when it does not wish to be powerful imagery! A complete success! Hugss 

Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS    

"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."

cevance's picture

Thoughts in metaphor . Very

Thoughts in metaphor . Very stylish.

squawk's picture

i like, very good poem

i like, very good poem