Unhealthy Me, Unhealthy You

Making an Unhealthy You

Her silence is deafening as it rakes
across my heart like a mad mans scream.
Looks of abhorrence feed kindle to
my soul making a flame of deserved guilt
burn deep inside my core.

When ugly words are thrown my way,
they scald my face leaving blisters
of shame and induce memories of
things that shouldn’t have been.

Did I not do my best with the
situation at hand, did I neglect
my true duties for a failed attempt
at keeping the peace, did I endure
the black and blue stains for nil.

There is no martyr running through
my veins, I need no plate of sympathy.
If I tried and failed then I plead I’m sorry,
please know that I love you with all that I have.
That my child will never change.

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Great poem Lisa. I am glad to read a new one from you :)

battlepink's picture

Thanks Roger, I've been kind

Thanks Roger, I've been kind of dry lately.