Barbie Dorton

My Portfolio
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England UK

More About Me

What I want you to know about me...

writing . reading poetry . Computer and how it works. Good food good witty company .. walking on the beach.Crosswords cryptic ones.Cooking a master of it now having trained most of my life... Love having my grand-children can give them back if they play up .. haha

I am Divorced to the Cheat man I met when I was 17years of age. We have 4 children 2boys 2girls. They now have children. Have alway written Poetry but been to busy with family to do much writing soooo now World I am FREE and pen in hand am about to fill pages full of MY POEMS.... LOOK OUT HERE I COME ... haha .. I have many hobbies as I am a Gemini I flutter from thing to another.I love being creative in the home like to be different.. Love reading True Crime stories . Am learning EVERYTHING I can about computers I am amazed everytime I find something new to do on computer am amazed how computers work .Love the chat rooms in Yahoo and the friends I have made there .. I like to walk on the beach ,I live by the sea so can do this, english weather permitting haha. Like to go out with friends for occasional drink and dance ... Love people all people. My sister died on the 15-6-2001 after 4years of trying to beat Leukeamia, she had stem cells transplant and went downhills rapidly after that. My sister in Ireland was the donor. My world is a sadder place since she died. Nine years older than me she was like a Mum,a sister and my best friend. Nothing or no-one can or will fill the void losing her has left. Love her so deeply and always will. Soon I hope to be inspired to write a poem that is befitting of her ....

About My Navel

it is an INNY

Favorite Stuff (poets, poems, quotes, hobbies, etc.)

say what you feel not what you think ....


Member for
22 years 42 weeks