
the era has come
of understanding and of cheer
of taking things lightly
of Nietsche and the little prince
and of common good as well
of ideas still alive but mixed up
of balance and of nothing important
and most of all of setting goals


and what's a prophet to do
what's a guru to do


you know me for what I am now
and there's a lie in what you say
no, I can't be myself

but that's not the real problem
I've accepted this
and I know you're right
and it's not even painful now
I just know
I'm not viable and don't really want to be


now, about that
when I've lost my senses
my personality, my pride and my will
can I still take a decisive step?


I've done that before
but I was still a person
and my poetry was better
and now I'm not even curious
it's just suffering and non-suffering
and non-waiting for the outcome
if that's a way of saying this

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"...non-waiting for the outcome..."


Welcome to Postpoems. With the quality of writing you make, I hope you will not wait to be prolific here so that we can enjoy your exquisite artistry and ability to say - Just Bein' Lady A





bando's picture

Dear allets,   Unless

Dear allets,


Unless exaltation hits again, this might have been my last poem. And having learned of my nothingness and of the emptiness of exaltation and of the killing power of sensitivity, I will do my best not to be a poet anymore. And it doesn't seem it's going to be difficult.


Thank you for your kind words though.