So Lost....

I never meant to let go of your hand

I didnt understand

just what I had....

Sometimes it gets too hard to be a man

but we try to stick to the plan

just to hold on....

But I never meant to let go

never ever meant to lose control

not sure how we came to this

but I'm the one to blame for this....


So I beg please....

give me on more chance

let me be your man

I wont let you down no more

I want you

No matter what we're going through

your the one that is the truth

and I wont let you down no more

Instead of bringing us together like I should have done

I decided I should run

and made more distance....

Never thought that we'd be lost this long

baby, I was wrong

I've gotta find my way back.....

To you, the one I hurt so bad

the one that took the blame when I was mad

I only want to hold you now

I've just got to find a way somehow


So I beg please....

give me on more chance

let me be your man

I wont let you down no more

I want you

No matter what we're going through

your the one that is the truth

and I wont let you down no more

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What Instrument(s) Do U Play?

Guitar and what else? Song writing is an art and poetry in a nother articulation - slc



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This and that...

Guitar and Bass, mess around on Piano...attempt to sing. Hoping to write more often than I have lately so I can get back to having the outlet.