Through your round windows...

What do you see,

when you look through your round windows.

A seen of hate,

a seen of love,

or absolutely nothing.

A field of flowers,

a field of pain,

or absolutely nothing.

A sky of clouds,

a sky of thunder,

or absolutely nothing.

A street of people,

a street of sines,

or absolutely nothing.

What do I see?

I see absolutely nothing,

in a world of love and hate,

flowers and pain,

clouds and thunder,

people and sines.

There is absolutely nothing for me to see,

as all I see is the blackness,

through my round windows.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Hello this peom if you dont know is about comparing what people see every day with what a blind person and can't see. Its just my take on it anyway but it can also represent someone that is blind to their every day life a bit like a zombie in a way if you catch my drift. Hope you enjoyed it ;D

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schmuckjones's picture

I enjoyed it.

Thank you for sharing Badfox, and welcome to PostPoems!

BadFox's picture


Thank you for the warm welcome I'm glad my work is being enjoyed ;D

allets's picture

Blind Perspective

an interesting point of view. Appreciated this one. Wecome - Stella