Moon Raine

The Romantic Bard

Crescent heart hanging soft

in the fabric of a sequined sky.

I study you, looking past

the form and silent whisper

that dances from your skin.

You dress the night with your light

feeding my world

with the spectacle of your shine.

Reminding me of how very small I am

in the bigger universe of it all.

I reach out to touch you, as you have me

so many times before, and,

I realize that I can send my thoughts

to you, through you…

beaming from you as radiant arrows

catapulted to my lover’s heart…

for you are hanging soft in her sequined sky too.

And I smile….

Knowing that it’s going to be alright.

Everything is going to be just fine.

Sending you my thoughts

Dressed as moonbeams.

I love you.

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Lady Raine's picture

Is terrible that I still love this piece?...can't help it...when you're pen is inspired...its intoxicating.

S74rw4rd's picture



Poetic Raine's picture

You paint the night skies with irridescent rainbows and crystal dewdrops, every thing you touch becomes beautiful....I am in awe of your pen and swept away by your heart...This is nothing less perfection....completely stunning.....Hugs PoeticRaine