Someday Soon

The Romantic Bard

she loses herself in thoughts

lost behind a lazy drifting cloud

scraping eternal against the

rich red mountainous range...

thoughts of promises and rainbows,

of dreams and whispers,

of beautiful things sent soft

in the passing of days.

smiles fall easy

stretched as gently

as the farthest reach

of a setting sun

kisses an eternal sky...

and she whispers

"Someday soon."

he pauses briefly

shudders spent against

a chaotic agenda and

the neverending drone of

a larger than life machine...

thoughts of soft serenade

of sweet embraces,

of simple pleasures greeting warm

the passage of time.

smiles come gently

finding form in rugged

as the peaceful rush

of a gentle breeze

caresses an endless sky...

and he whispers

"Someday soon."

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Poetic Raine's picture

and under the same moon in the twilight of dawn, together they whisper "someday soon"....simply breathtaking....I hold close every word.....Hugs PoeticRaine