loves me not

numb from all things...

crossing broken bridges

against a fading sun,

seems like it hurts less

to imagine the pain

as something different

than what it is...

something that can be

tucked away and

dealt with later...

something that will

go away with time.

foolish in all things...

laughing is therapy

when facing mortal gloom,

seeing myself faceless,

a man without

feelings or heart...

guess, I just never thought

I would wear the shield,

defending myself

in the face of those

who should love me

for less.

and damnit,

someone please

tell me...

why does it have

to hurt so much

when I feel

so numb?

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Lady Raine's picture

Can relate, more than you know..I never read you that I don't feel so much and this is no exception...your pen moves me in ways I can't matter the topic