
The Romantic Bard

Soft the light that fills this sky

Where dreams collide with lullabye

And brilliant hues delight the thrill

The echo sweet of whisper's spill.

Wherefore, the stars doth claim the night

And grace the heavens lost in sight

That I might dance within the shroud

That floats as gentle passing cloud.

And share the perfect pearls of sea

That sweetly fall as smiles on thee

And paint the essence of thy face

That fills my soul with sweet embrace.

A thousand stars could not be wrong

Their perfect light - your blessed song

And I entreat my heart to thee

A captive to the words you free.

Each breathless pause - my heart's reply.

Each tender kiss - my will deny.

Each dream's delight - my thoughts of you.

Each whispered word - my passion new.

See how she holds her visage sweet

Brushstroked perfection softly greet

And I am blinded by her view

A beauty rare - a new love true.

For I am slave unto this dream

The lord of slumbers fire I scream

And pine with thoughts of love's delight

That paint my world 'neath stars of night.

The sweet desires that grace thy lips

Your soft explore of fingertips

The hushed express of gentle sighs

The lover's trance beyond your eyes.

For unto thee I pledge my all

To feed your dream whene'er you call

That I may play my rehearsed part

And write my name upon thine heart.

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Becka Zeits's picture

wow, this poem says alot... i loved reading it.

thanks for sharing it