I've started to date some one new
So unexpected just out of the blue
He makes me smile with one kiss
He's started to fill my life with bliss
I'm not sure where it will lead
He seems to understand my every need
He seems to feel the same as me
He says I don't scare him make him want to flee
He is so good to me he doesn't even know
I know if we keep going my feelings will grow
He makes all my fears slip away
I don't think he will stray
He is a good man, the best I've met
I feel no sadness no need to fret
I'm a priority not a option he tells me
And in his eyes the truth I see
Can't believe I can feel this happy
All I've felt in three years is crappy
I never thought a man could care
For me that is, I thought I was too much to bare
I feel secure with him like my heart is in good hands
That maybe he could fit into all my plans
I just hope he would feel the same
I am happy to feel this is no game
I'm a priority not a option he tell(s) me. this line stands out i dont know how many times i felt this way and ment it. good write
It's last life is spent tormenting your dreams-zombie cat