Dear baby
Baby you must know
Your mommy and daddy love you and is sorry
Your mommy is always feeling low
All ways thinking of you
Wishing you had the chance to know you
That I wish you could have known your mother
And your father
But you were taken by another
Life is unfair and decieving
God takes children in which aren't his
It was not your time to be leaving
And everyday I hate this
You were theirs, they loved you
But he decided your fait
To take you even though he knew
Your parents were so great
You were going to be my godbaby
and I'm sad I never got the chance
You could be reborn maybe
I hope so cause you never got a chance
Please understand how sad we all have been
You were amazing before you even were born
The love we felt was like like nothing else
You deserved to know your parents
And they deserved the chance to know you
So forever I shall be hating god
Well your the only reason I believe
So I can think your out there somewhere
Happy as a child should be
Never shall you shed tears
for this is not your doing
It was also not theirs
It was his fault
Never in my life have I see so much pain
cruelty and fear
You were all thet wanted
You were the reason for the smiles
and now all I see and feel is sadness