The Beginning

25 years old single mother of two, beautiful, loving, wonderful, funny, crazy children. They are the two people I love most in this world, they are my world.


At 17 I met Adam, August 07 and by Oct 07 I was pregnant. and I wont lie I considered my choices, but in the end my baby one. True love from the start. In December 07 I found out my baby was a boy, a boy was what I had always wanted first. In june 08 I gave birth to a baby boy, the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. He was my everything, there was no longer just me. I was 18 with the best son in the world, I have always been the planner, the person who maybe looks to far ahead, but I feel as a parent it is our job, i mean jesus I was on welfare because Adam had gotten fired in may for getting caught smoking pot at work. so I mean who the hell is ok with just sitting on welfare doing nothing with their lives, I'm sorry but thats not me.


After my son was two weeks old adam confessed he cheated on me, this was after he had already kissed her when I was about 3 months pregnant and then screwed her when I was 6 months. My heart was broken, how could he do that to us. He destroyed a part of me then, I have not trusted anyone the same since. Anyways I decided to try, I didnt want to give up my family and the future I saw for the three of us. Oct 08 he moved up to halifax and I joined him in February.\


So the first time he cheated on my was march 22 08, the second was march 17 09, he didn't even make it a year. 


Now here is the part to be a little nice and stand up for him i guess, When I was pregnant with my son I was crazy. I dont know if its the hormones, just the pregnancy or part of me lol. I mean I was mean, but I don't believe its a reason to cheat, if your unhappy leave someone before you cheat dont be an asshole.


So I got pregnant at seventeen by a jerk, he wasn't the first jerk I dated. I had truly thought he was different but he was the worst out of all the assholes, He killed so many parts of me. 


So I really had nowhere to go the second time he cheated. so I stayed and tried, and when my son was 9-10 months old I was going to leave, I had finally gotten strong enough to tell him and do it. He said he'd kill himself if I left him, and like any normal person I didn't believe him, this was followed by him hitting himself in the side of the head with a hammer or wrench, so by the end of this night i did not leave. I could not leave and then actually feel responsible for it, I wouldn't be able to live with myself. He knew that!


All for now, post again soon.



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Now this

Is a Real story

That I find interesting.


It is Sad but True.