Just not Yet

Lost Love

My dreams are shattered,
But my heart will not be broken.
My life is changing.
But I will not loose hope again.

One door has clsed so a new one can open.
I had to let go in order to be free.
And while it seems I am alone for now
I refuse to be lonely.

My heart will heal,
My mind will forget.
when the time is right I will love again,
Just not yet.

Part of me hangs on to a shattered dream.
Hope that you will open your eyes,
Faith that you still care,
Faith that all we had wasn't built on lies.

Though I hurt only myself by still caring
I will not give up on you
I don't want to see that you have already moved on
Because then this nightmare is really true

My dreams are shattered,
But my heart will not be broken.
My life is changing.
But I will not loose hope again.

My heart will heal,
My mind will forget.
when the time is right I will love again,
Just not yet.








Author's Notes/Comments: 

I mis you Matt. I am trying to let go but it's not easy. I love you and that won't change! I know you have moved on and part of me believes it's cause you never really cared, but I am still hoping someday you will see how much I care.

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sanctus's picture

Really fabulous!

Really fabulous!