without you here

I can't make you stay if you don't want to.
I can't make you love me if your love has died
I can't reach up into the stars and make all our dreams come true.
Our future stands on shaky ground
But if tomorrow you are gone,
Surely the tears would fall all around
You are my very heart and soul the reason I'm alive,
Without you I will be lost,
Without you I don't know how I would survive
All I can do is ask you to look in your heart and see,
See if I am still your dream come true
See if you truly love me.
It would break my heart to watch you walk away.
In all my years you are the only real happiness I have known
But I can't make you stay.
I only have my love to offer you.
I don't know if that is enough.
The choice is yours, I can't make you stay if you dont want to.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

The choice is yours just don't make me wait forever.

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