
Lost Love

I sit here and wait,
Wait for a text or a call,
Waiting for you to decide if I'm the one,
Or really nothing at all.
My heart is breaking,
My world falling apart,
I dared to dream of something more,
I ended with a broken heart.
I dared to love what was never mine,
And hoped just for a minute you'd want me too.
I forgot the rules of the game,
When I dared to love you.
Just for a moment, you brought me happiness,
Just for a second you made me smile,
You made me forget all the sadness in my life,
You gave me hope for awhile.
I'll never forget the time I spent in your arms,
The passion and lust so real,
I dared loose myself in those moments,
Never realizing the pain I'd soon feel.
Now it's all said and done,
You've moved on,
I'm more alone than ever,
Now that you're gone.
I sit here and wait for a text or call,
Waiting for you to decide if I'm the one for you.
Hoping you'll see she was the mistake.
And that my feelings were true.
I feel my heart breaking in half-
And as more time passes, it is I that see,
You were never mine to have
The dreams all escaped me.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

For Chris I miss you

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