Lost and Found


I was lost, sinking in my own pain and sorrow

I had no future,

I wanted no tomorrow,

I prayed for a quick end,

I knew I didn't want to live another day

I wasn't looking for love, or even a friend.

I had no pain, I had no fear

Hope seemed so hopeless

All I wanted was for the end to be near.

I had said my goodbyes,

I was ready to let it all go.

I was tired of the struggle and sick of the lies.

It was at my darkest hour that I saw the light,

An angel sent just for me.

My soul knew I couldn't give up the fight.

It saw something rare and priceless in you.

It saw a future so bright and real.

Where dreams really could come true.

You were there when I wanted a lover and when I needed a friend.

You saved me in every way a person could be saved.

You gave my once dead heart reason to beat again.

I love you more than words can ever say.

Without you I'd still be alone and lost.

You saved my heart when you opted to love me that day.

Now here we are so happy and in love.

I don't think I could find a better man.

Thank you for believing in me,

You could have turned around and walked away,

Instead you stayed and your love has set me free.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

for Matt!  I love you today, tomorrow and forever!

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