The Other Side

A stranger stares back from the other side of the mirror,
She smiles- I cry,
She lives- I die.
Once happy- now sad,
She loves- I hate,
She believes life is more than just fate,
The stranger tries to reach out,
She speaks of a bright and sunny day,
I pull away,
She swipes at my tears,
She remembers a time when life was real,
I can only see the dark sorrow I feel,
How can she smile when all I do is weep?
How can she laugh, while inside I scream?
She can't seem to see what I know, life isn't all peaches and cream,
I hurt from all the sadness,
I dread another day in sorrow,
She smiles and faces her tomorrow.
Who is really on the other side?
Am I looking out or is she looking in?
Where does she stop and I begin?
I wish we could be one, her and I,
Not always happy, but not afraid to be sad,
Living for what is in store not what I once had,
So many questions with answers unknown,
Is she me or am I she?
Who is this stranger smiling back at me?

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