Roses And Rainbows


I hope you'll find many bright and sunny days-
I hope there will be roses blooming year round,
May there not be one cloud in your eternal sky,
Nor one sad moment when you look back and ask why.
You were so young, way too young for death-
Life cheated you out of so much.
I hope the sorrow will forever be left behind.
And in death, at last peace and happiness you'll find.
Life gave you nothing but hurt
So often I reached out to ease your pain, but I failed.
I hope now you can laugh and play,
Never letting the tears ruin your day.
You wanted so much to be free.
So much so that you took your own life.
I don't pretend to understand why.
I only hope that you found a bright and sunny sky.
Your life was like a storm cloud, on your parade it would always rain.
I hope now your world is filled with rainbows.
And I hope there's a big pot of gold at the end.
A heaven made just for you, my friend.
Know I loved you with all my heart.
I want you to find the happiness life cheated you out of-
May roses bloom on the ground
And above, birds sing all around.
For death is not the end rather the beginning.
I hope there you'll find all you missed here,
May there not be one rain cloud in your eternal sky,
Nor one sad moment when you look down and ask why.
So many loved you, but love you couldn't see.
So often I tried when I reach out to you, but I failed.
Now I only hope the sadness you felt in life will be left behind-
And in death, you'll find the happiness that in life you could never find.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Written for a very close friend of mine who killed himself.

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