When I dream

Lost Love

When I dream- it' of your eyes so blue,
When I long, it's for love long gone-
When I hope- I hope for your kisses so sweet,
And when I cry, I cry for a love once so true.
When I hurt and when I'm sad,
When I'm lonely and when I regret,
When sorrow sets in, and dreams walk away,
It's at these moments, I'm thinking of what we never had.
When I laugh and when I smile,
When I joke and when I giggle,
When all seems right in this life so wrong-
It's then that I'm remembering you, just for awhile.
When I dream, it's of your eyes so blue-
When I reach out in the night, I'm hoping to find you there,
When I shed a million tears in the morning, and when my days are sad,
It's because I'll never find you.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

For Erik.  I still miss you even after all these years.

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